Ode to the "in-between season"
On rituals, traditions & how to cherish ancient rhythms in our modern world.
As a fellow lover of words, you likely enjoy different forms of the written word; genres, styles, authors, and maybe even reading in different languages. Stories, song texts, poems, fairy tales, historic novels or biographies, the list could be endless.
While also reading different formats and testing unknown waters in the world of words, I also enjoy creatively exploring how I can capture moments, ideas, emotions and experiences in new ways and new forms of text.
We know the “in-between-season” all too well, usually a time many feel restless, depressed, and tired. Pale faces craving sunshine. Rain, snow and wind. There is so much beauty in this season if we only we looked more closely at nature’s rhythms.
I invite you to join and explore with a new perspective.
The return of light - halftime between deep winter, the darkest days, and spring.
Birds are singing again. Have you noticed them in the mornings or before sunset?
Days get visibly brighter and so is our mood. Our energy is returning.
Sheep will be lambing soon. A celebration of fertility. And nature’s cycles.
Traditions differ and still have a basic theme in common.
Spring is coming in the northern hemisphere.
In some regions, people dress up to scare the ghosts of the dark season always.
In others, people bring new plants into the house, celebrate the trees, and seed flowers.
Somewhere else, pagan goddesses are cherished.
Candles consecrated.
We may want to clean, give and make space. Airing out bed and house.
Burn Christmas trees, advent wreaths, and winter mood.
Setting intentions, planting seeds for the year ahead. Outside of the Georgian calendar framework of time.
New beginnings according to nature - waiting to be awakened by the returning sun.
The beauty is that all these traditions have one thing in common: newness. Beginnings. Hope.
Ideas for further self-inquiry and ritual in this time of new beginnings:
How can you invite more curiosity, gentle exploration of the changing season into your life?
What rituals may you have grown up with, which ones can you awaken again, and which ones adapt and make fit with your life right now?
What seeds would you like to plant for the year to come? What are your vision and dreams that you would like to tend to over the year?
Sit with a candle and let your pen write what you hold close to your heart, bringing on paper what you may not have dared to feel, think or wish so far.
Be gentle with yourself as you explore what’s coming up.
💌 If you wish to share some raw ideas and inspiration with a friend, colleague, or family member, you can do so here: