many congratulations on an exciting new chapter! ♡

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Thank you so much for stopping by and reading, Niquelle! :)

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I am working on a mental health page on instagram and wanting to gain more followers on it. I’m excited for all the upcoming chapters. The summer is going to be focused on inner healing and working on myself

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This sounds amazing, Denise! mental health is a topic super close to my heart! X

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How exciting lovely one! Celebrating you in your expansion. I definitely dance between deep trust that everything will fly and total retreat as I fear things won’t work out. Both/And is always true for me!!!! Xxx

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Jun 19·edited Jun 19Author

Thank you!! The current season makes expansion so much easier, right and maybe even gives us some extra bravery? Xx

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Exciting times ahead Carmen!! So many good quotes and thoughts here.

I followed an executive coaching program and I can say, it was life changing in a very good way. I love you are taking this step and share your gift with the world 🧡🧡

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Wow would love to hear more about the program you did, Marie! 😍 I’ve been working with coaches for years myself and have been supporting executives for a number of years through my job, too and felt like I need to step up my game a bit. ✨

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It was 6 months, very intensive, following mainly Bob Proctorts ‘Thinking Into Results’, private coaching sessions, group coaching, events, Wim Hoff breathing and Ice bath, 6 am club,… A mix of business, personal growth, and spirituality. It was truly life-changing for me. 😍 So worth every cent, and I quickly earned it back!!

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Jun 18Liked by Carmen Luisa

I love how empowering this post felt to read Carmen!

I am definitely the kind of person who takes time to thrive in change. But it's not a drawback you know, it is a part of who I am and I love that.

I am so excited for you to take up new things in life and bring us along this wonderful journey. Always rooting for you💕

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Thank you Mansi! And I love that you love that quality about yourself 🌸🙌 being your own best cheerleader is so important

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Love the energy of this post Carmen, I am looking forward to a reset and renewal over the summer, so I can move ahead with some of the projects that I've put on hold, whilst I've been in between houses. This was a great prompt for that.

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Please keep us posted on how the rest and renewal period goes. It’s so much easier in find when we know others are refocusing too! ✨good luck with the move, Louise!

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Thank you Carmen, will do!

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Jun 18Liked by Carmen Luisa

I’m wondering if we are looking ahead at the same path. Maybe I’ll meet you further down the line, a fellow traveller, or maybe we’ll be touching different lives in different spaces, in a similar way. I hope you do, I hope you find and tread and even skip along your path, happily, with capacity to do even more good in this oh so complex world of ours.

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Ohh now I’m curious what your path may look like and where else we’ll cross paths! Thank you for reading and for your encouraging words, Karen! Appreciate you. Sending summer sunshine!

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Love what you’ve shared about moving in YOUR direction, not “the right” direction. This sounds like a really exciting opportunity, Carmen! Rooting for you!

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💖 thank you Sarah! It’s freeing when we realise our path is right for us but likely not for everyone else and that’s okay

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I imagine most of us are a mix of courage and doubt and I suspect that both can cause us some trouble. I am prone to pushing myself way beyond my limits and had to recently back out of an opportunity because of it. I’m encouraged by the reminder that there will be more to come! And yet, I know I can also let insecurity hold me back in other areas - it’s all complex, isn’t it? Your reflection questions will be a good place to unravel it a bit more. And congrats on your brave new chapter!

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Thank you for reading, Erin! Yesss isn’t it so freeing when we shift perspectives and realise this is not it, it’s actually just the beginning. When we’re explansing and not contracting we’re more open to receiving what’s to come 😍

Oh I’m so glad the journaling prompts resonate and feel like a beautiful invitation to explore! X

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So super exciting Carmen, the course sounds brilliant and I can see you stepping into your power! For me, imposter syndrome can get in my way and also not knowing exactly what my gift is. However I felt some words earlier come to me about playing bigger, taking up space and bringing all of the parts of me together into a whole xx

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Thank you for reading Lyndsay! I know imposter syndrome all too well, too.

For our gifts, I have journaling entry from recently where I wrote about how I believe they don’t just appear over night and then we are enlightened and understand the connections of everything. I believe, the golden thread reveals itself over time. I definitely have no clue of all my gifts and certainly not sure how to bring them all together, but some are more clear. Who knows, maybe further down the line, they will reveal themselves not as gifts but as door openers to something else😇

as you said, taking up space, bringing the parts of us together that appear to be puzzle pieces that fit and trusting that the only way closer to “understanding” is to play bigger. Stagnation (not rest) is not revealing anything (rest is of course essential)💕

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