I love that you turned the famous quote “knowledge is power” on its head Carmen. Your post is so encouraging for everyone to show up as themselves and to shine ✨ Thank you 🤩

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So glad you enjoyed the change of perspective when it comes to knowledge is power, Beverley 😍of course I was referring to more than purely knowledge but I must say I quite liked the title too haha

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Thanks for the reminder Carmen❤️ one of my thoughts/ self doubt niggles with this is idea of sharing wisdom is "but other people have shared it before" and I remember someone telling me that they didn't necessarily share it with my people, and that everyone's interpretation of something valid and useful. As you put it, we all need to share more of what we love!

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This was something I told myself before too, to kind of put off start writing for an audience. But I read somewhere,

We all go in a line, your predecessor will give you something and you can always give that to those behind you.

Made me make the first step.

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Yes 100% were part of our environment and no thoughts, feelings.. anything happens in isolation (unless we lock ourselves in a mountain hut or on a remote island maybe)

Of course when we’re inspired by someone or something specifically it’s just right to reference but general ideas can be similar yet our approach unique ✨ hiding isn’t helping just stopping us from deeper connections

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Aug 28·edited Aug 28Author

I so feel you Jodie! I used to think once someone talked about something the topic is “taken” and I can’t talk about it too. So silly how our brain works sometimes.

Were definitely unique and so are our perspectives ✨ I tend to have a million drafts and thoughts I’m thinking about and I need to remind myself daily that it’s totally okay when someone “came first” because, likely they didn’t invent the wheel, it’s just in the bubble I’m in that it may sound like something completely new.

And absolutely your people value you for who you are and with that your perspective 💖 sending you a big hug!

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Thank you for this beautiful and uplifting reminder for us to share what we know and what we love, just what I needed to hear today! xx

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💖 genuine words always find others at the right time, right?

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I absolutely think they do xx

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I loooooove this!! And just what I needed to read as I had a bit of dip after sharing content on IG and ended up sharing my thoughts on it today. I normailly wouldn't do this at all, but I realized that I had to speak up on it and not just when I have everything all neatly sorted out for myself. 😅 If it helps at least one person to feel less alone, then I'm happy!

Outside from my art and words, I'm not sharing a lot of my photography in the open or my love for food & recipes. I haven't because for the longest time I felt I just had to focus on one maaaaybe two things. But we're able to do so so much and I love to connect with others over many interests. It inspires me to no end and it makes the world even more beautiful. It's been a big reason why I began to pivot my world around as I want to make space for all that makes me happy. 🥰 Thank you for this wonderful post, lovely! ❤

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Yesss don’t limit yourself and your potential, your creative soul will thank you 💖 the more we out ourselves into boxes the harder it is to flourish I find.

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Gosh we really are conditioned for scarcity arent we? Your post really highlights so many ways I hadn’t even recognised, baking recipes - crazy!

I love this idea that shared knowledge is power, I think this is why so many of us write, even if that knowledge is simply what we learned from challenging experiences 💜

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yes this is why we write, 100%, and maybe also why some of us don't always hit send but have a trillion drafts. Thank you for reading Sarina, so good to be connected in this beautiful corner of the internet! 💛

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I’m hiding this Substack from all my family and friends. Haha. I think it’s mainly because I just want to feel free to create without any judgement or opinions from people who have known me for a long time. It’s, in a sense, like starting over or charting a new path. Kinda fun!

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Hahah that’s the exception i also allow myself 😂 I strictly not share anything about my substack on LinkedIn and at work and since my family speak German I don’t think the majors could even be bothered to dig out their high school skills. lol so yes, I feel you and I agree this part of keeping to ourselves can be super freeing.

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This is such a brilliant take on the "knowledge is power" mantra. I love it

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💖 I had the title first and then the I reflected and then everything made sense to me all of a sudden haha

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Love this, Carmen! What's the point of having knowledge if not to share it with others?

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Right! Not everyone is lucky that their brilliant creations will be discovered and share posthumously. X

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"When we share it openly, we create space for authentic exchange, which we need." I completely agree! Enthusiasm and knowledge is there to be shared, not contained or hidden away. Our gifts are what the world needs (that's why everyone has been given unique gifts) so it's our duty to leave the world in a better state through our talents and passions. Thank you for sharing.

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Absolutely, so well summarised Joanna! Would be sad if these gifts aren’t given the opportunity to flourish and develop. Thank you for reading!

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Wonderful essay, Carmen! Much will be expected from whom much has been given. Whatever you have in plenty - money, talent, knowledge, wisdom - you should be generous with it, sharing in a way that enhances others.

All reasons for not sharing are never good enough. "They'll copy me..." Not true, imitators aren't serious competitors. "I'll run out!" Not true; things are found, and what you truly know how to obtain, you'll find more of.

Knowledge is power when used, otherwise, it's potential - not kinetic - energy. Besides, in sharing, you become better, because in teaching, we learn. If you won't do it for others, do it for yourself.

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🥺such beautiful words you always have! Thank you for reading Patrick, adding more layers to the topic and writing what I haven’t been able to express quite as clearly. 👏

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Aug 27Liked by Carmen Luisa

Yes! I’ve always believed in generosity. Whatever we give often comes back to us four-fold. I’ve experienced it time and time again. Fear is often what makes us hoard our knowledge. But opening up changes everything.

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Yes fear is powerful, and our monkey mind sometimes silly. What you said is such a special aspect of life, what we put out into the world always comes back generously ✨ similar to sharing thoughts on substack and people sharing their perspective - one idea and many beautiful responses 🤩 thank you for being here Rachel!

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I was thinking how the people who taught us that sharing our things with other kids while playing, also told us, a little later, to not share our winning knowledge with others that they might use to win or beat us. We didn’t even know if we are in a race to beat.

Our egos have been collectively disrupted as we aged. Thanks to more and more awakening souls around us that we are becoming more kind and helpful to each other.

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Love this, Carmen! I’m a big believer in sharing. I used to hold onto my knowledge tightly, which didn’t benefit anyone, not even me!

It’s why I like to share BTS stuff. Even if it helps just one person, whether through connection or upskilling, it’s a win. Plus things like my launch diaries keep me accountable. Bonus!

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Yess it’s the own accountability that’s also a great benefit isn’t it? Totally agree, one person can make a difference already. 😍

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There is a sort of cyclical nature to sharing for me. When I dare to share, I find connection with others, I find myself inspired by that connection, and in turn, have more to share. It is a beautiful flow back and forth between us all. I write. You read. You write. I read. I’m inspired. I write again. And in and on… It sounds simple the way I have stated it here, but truly the more I write, the more I read. And the more I read, the more I’m inspired. So, then I write even more. And the cycle continues onward as we grow as individuals and as community. Such a beautiful collective sharing of knowledge. Thank you for giving me this moment of inspiration this morning, my friend. 🌀

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Liz, this is such a beautiful response! it is a beautiful circle the giving and taking, we do flourish that way, don't we?

When I read your first sentence I thought, oh yeah she's talking about our inner and outer cycles that may also play a role in WHEN and HOW we feel like sharing and when rather not. But your point was so much more beautiful and not what I considered at first, so here we go, learning together, inspiring each other 💛

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Always learning. Always inspired. Love to you, Carmen. 🫶🏻

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Such a beautiful reminder Carmen! I love your cake story -

Posts that ask people to share something no one would guess about them are always fun too. Thank you for spreading joy. X

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The cake story was pretty funny and another random experience in only retrospectively connected the dots.

I enjoy reading surprising things about others too, a reminder that we’re all humans with so many beautiful sides 😍 always here for more joy x

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Love this Carmen!! Yes to sharing!! I would’ve never thought I could become an embroidery artist if I hadn’t started sharing…


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Yess 💖And if I remember your story correctly (sorry if not) others also encouraged you to share right? The most beautiful rippe effect of encouragement xx

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